Making fitness fun and simple.


Whether you come from an athletic background and need to add some variety to your exercise routine, or you're getting back into shape after an injury, pregnancy or major hiatus from the busyness of life, Ani Boyd Sessions (ABS) can help. Even if you’re starting to exercise for the very first time, and need a coach and network of motivation to keep committed, ABS meets clients wherever they are on a fitness journey.

ABS is committed to helping every person find his or her inner athlete. Finding your inner athlete is not focused on being the fastest, strongest, or most capable; It’s about finding the motivation inside to dig deeper, push harder, and muster the courage to unleash it.

ABS exists as a community of individuals dedicated to discovering their own ability through positivity, discipline, and encouragement. Above all, it emphasizes the importance of understanding what the body can do instead of simply what it looks like.